Thursday, 1 April 2010

Take the tour FirstPlay

Take the tour FirstPlay

I was lucky enough to be sent a beta key so I had a gander at it yesterday.
It's all a bit too 'casual' for my liking.
Which means it's OK as something to pass the time in between using the PS3 for anything else like playing a game, watching a film, browsing the web, etc.
I was hoping for something a bit more insightful and intelligent.
The whole thing seems to be pitched in a way that ignores the rich history of gaming.
The presentation avoids the assumption of any intelligence on the part of the viewer regarding design (game, character, environment, music, game-play, level etc) , story plot structure, narrative style, art style.
The dialogue avoids reference to anything that might get the viewer actually thinking about everything that makes a game good - or just gives the game it's look and feel and character.
So what remains are the 'exclusives'.
I think the best option is to buy those episodes that have demo's or content actually worth paying for.
If you want something a bit more gamer-intelligent I'd go for Edge.

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